Tuesday, May 1, 2007

A Minister in a Small Town

Recently, I finished a book titled "Leaving Church." It was about a Priest that gave up her ministry. She talked about what the label minister meant. She left ministry because she no longer wanted to be separated from the members. Most ministers know that feeling of being a part of a congregation but not completely part of the congregation. This can bring frustration to many. A minister is held to a different standard. But a minister is also treated differently. In her book she talked about some of the perks to being a preacher. She is given special service at the local stores, there is always baked goods, and gifts from the members for no reason at all. When she left the ministry she was sadden by going back into the average, which was what she wanted. What a paradox? Just this last week I was reminded of how nice it is to be a minister in a small town. At the local stores and cafes, there are perks. My meal is brought before I enter the store, there is special attention when the people are truly busy. Even if people are not members of the congegation, they are still respectful and kind beyond measure. Everyone in town knows "I am the preacher." There are a lot of expectations with this title, but there are also a lot of blessings in carrying this name.

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