Thursday, May 10, 2007

Standing at the Nursing Home Bed

Standing in the room with two nursing home patients, in the middle of the room there was a revelation. On one side, a young girl about twelve, seriously sick because of drugs, not hers, but her mother's. On the other side was a older lady, little family, and fragile. As I stood there overlooking the older lady, I thought, "why Lord." At first, there were selfish revelations, "I would not want to be in here." These thoughts changed into thankfulness, "I am thankful I am not in here, I need to be grateful that I have my health." But as the moment continued, with the older lady speaking, I thought "Matthew you serve a God of love." Most times I can visit the nursing home and be unaffected. It is just routine. But not today, today I saw God. He was a little sick girl and a frail lady. Today, I stayed in the room longer, was more attentive, because Jesus was before me. He said "Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me." Tommorrow I have to talk with some elementary children about being a minister. I do not have a cool job like a policeman or fireman, but I do have the honor of seeing God more often.

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